Angraecum mahavavense H.Perrier 1938 SECTION Angraecum Photo by © Lourens Grobler

Another Flower Angle

Plant and Flower Photos by Dominique Karadjoff and his Madagascar Orchids Species Website

Full ShadeEARLYSummer

Common Name or Meaning The Mahavavi River Angraecum

Flower Size 1.2" [3 cm]

Found in northwestern Madagascar in humid, shady forests of the Sambirano region on tree trunks, as a miniature to small sized epiphyte with almost no stem carrying 5 to 6, broadly linear, leathery, rigid, keeled in the middle and "V" shaped below, shortly bilobed apically leaves that blooms in the spring on a below the leaves, very short to 2" [5 cm] long, successively 3 to 5 flowered inflorescence with the flowers arising from a groove alternately on each side of the rachis.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Flora of Madagascar Perrier 1939/81; An Introduction to the Cultivated Angraecoid Orchids Of Madagascar Hillerman & Holst 1986 drawing/photo fide; Angraecoid Orchids Stewart, Hermans and Campbell 2007; Orchids of Madagascar Hermans, Du Puy, Cribb & Bosser 2007; Field Guide to the Orchids of Madagascar Cribb & Hermans 2009 photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 87 #10 2018 photo fide;
