Bulbophyllum anisopterum J.J.Verm. & P.O'Byrne 2003 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
Photo by © Roland Amsler
Common Name The ?Bulbophyllum
Flower Size 2.56" [6.4 mm]
Found in Sabah and Sarawak Borneo in wet montane forests at elevations of 1200 to 1900 meters as a mini-miniature sized, cool growing epiphyte with a creeping rhizome with .2" [.5 cm] between each, ovoid, basal half prostrate on and fused tothe rhizome, new pseudobulbs form half way up the previous pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, erect, elliptic, obtuse leaf that blooms in the winter, late spring and early summer on an erect to patent, peduncle 1.4 to 2" [3.5 to 5 cm] long, provided with about 3 bracts rachis .8" [2 cm] long, single flowered inflorescence with tubular, acute, shorter than the ovary floral bracts.
Similar to B stormii but differs in the much shorter median sepal which is about 1/3 to 1/4 of the length of the lateral sepals. It is also similat to B hodgsonii but differs in the much shporter median sepal and the caudate lateral sepals.
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Gard. Bull. Singapore 55: 142 J J Verm & P O'Byrne 2003 drawing fide