Bulbophyllum aspersum J.J.Sm. 1912 SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913
Photos by © Rogier Van Vugt and his P Base Orchid Photo website
Common Name The Rough Bulbophyllum
Flower Size very small
Found in New Guinea in lowland forests as a miniature to small sized, hot to warm goriwng epiphyte with a creeping rhizome giving rise to close set, arranged in rows, narrowly ovoid, long attenuate, later longitudinally multigrooved pseudobulbs carrying single, lanceolate, subacuminate, acute; midrib above grooved, underneath prominently obtuse, narrowed and conduplicate base leaf that blooms in the late summer and early fall on a basal, erect, from the nodes of the rhizome, fascicled, peduncle filiform, c. 1.2" [3 cm] long, provided with a few small, tubular, to the top dilated scales, single flowered inflorescence with basally tightly tubular, obliquely infundibuliform-widened, subulate-acuminate, keeled floral bracts
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 11: 132 J J Smith 1912 drawing fide; The Orchidaceae Of German New Guinea Schlechter 1914;