Catasetum fuchsii Dodson & R.Vásquez 1982 SUBGENUS Catasetum SECTION Isoceras SUBSECTION Divaricatae
Photos by © Danny Lentz plant grown by the Atlanta Botanical Garden ©
Flower with potential pollinator
Photos by © Dario Melgar
Photo by © Dalton Holland Baptista ©
Common Name Fuchs Catasetum [American Orchid Collector and Vendor late 20th century]
Flower Size 2 4/5" [7.2 cm]
Found in Bolivia in dry forests on rolling countryside to the east of the Bolivian rainforests and into western Brazil on palms and other trees as a medium sized, hot to warm growing epiphyte that needs a long, dry winter rest from water and fertilizer, with clustered, fusiform, slightly compressed pseudobulbs enveloped completely by dry leaf sheaths and carrying to 7, linear-oblanceolate, medium green, plicate, 3 prominent veined leaves that blooms in the late summer to late fall either on a male, arching then pendant, 17" [43 cm] long, several flowered inflorescence or a shorter and thicker female inflorescence carrying very fleshy, rigid flowers and often with successive inflorescence that arise over a few months.
Similar to C albovirens, C lemosii and C mattogrossa
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Icones Planetarum Tropicarum Plate 513 Dodson 1982 drawing fide; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1B lieferung 26 1584 - 1648 Brieger 1992; The World Of Catasetum Holtz 1999 photo ok; AOS Bulletin Vol 89 #1 2020 photo fide