Dendrobium amabile O'Brien 1909 SECTION Densiflora


Photos by © Lourens Grobler

Common Name The Enchanting Dendrobium

Flower Size 2.2" [5.5 cm]

Found in Hainan China and in Vietnam at elevations around 1200 meters as a medium sized, cool growing epiphyte with many ridged, jointed and swollen in the middle stems that taper at both ends and carrying 2 to 5, oblong-lanceolate, leathery, persistent leaves all held towards the apex and blooms in the spring and summer on a 12" [30 cm] long, pendulous, laxly several flowered inflorescence.

Synonyms *Callista amabilis Lour. 1790; Dendrobium bronckartii De Wild. 1906; Epidendrum callista Raeusch. 1797

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchidaceae Monandre-Dendrobiinae Fr. Kraenzlin 1910 as D bronckartii; Orchidaceae Monandre-Dendrobiinae Fr. Kraenzlin 1910 as Callista amabilis drawing good; Die Orchideen lieferung 11/12 Schlechter/Brieger 1981 as Callista amabilis; Opera Botanica #83 Orchid Genera in Thailand XII Dendrobium Sw. Seidenfaden 1985 drawing fide; Identification of the Orchids [Orchidaceae Juss.] Vietnam Averyanov 1994; Orchid Species Culture; Dendrobium Bakers 1996; Orchid Digest Vol 45 No 6 1981 drawing fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 61 No 7 1992 photo fide; Orchid Digest Vol 66 #1 2002 photo fide; The Dendrobiums H. P. Wood 2006 photos fide; Orchid Digest Vol 73 #3 2009 photo fide; Genera Orchidacearum Vol 6 Epidendrodeae Part 3 Pridgeon, Cribb, Chase and Rasmussen 2014; AOS Bulletin Vol 86 # 7 2017 photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 88 #10 2019 photo fide;
