Dendrobium cleistogamum Schltr. 1906 SECTION Kinetochilus

Plant Drawing Drawings by © Nicolas Halle' and The Endemia New Caledonia Website

Part sunWarmCoolSummer

Common Name The Unopening Dendrobium

Flower Size .08" [.2 cm]

Found in southeastern New Caledonia in humid montane forests on trees at elevations of 900 to 1250 meters as a medium sized warm to cool growing epiphyte with quadrangular, slightly zigzag, clsutered stems carrying 9 to 11, distichous, linear, spreading to erect, unequally bilobed, leathery leaves that blooms in the early summer on short to 1.2" [3 cm] long, arising opposite the leaves , 2 ranked, 1 to 3 flowered inflorescence carryijng cleistogamus flower.

Synonyms Kinetochilus cleistogamus (Schltr.) Brieger 1981

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Contributions to the Flora of New Caledonia Schlechter 1906; Flore de la Nouvelle-Caledonie et Dependences Vol 8 Orchidaceae Halle 1977 drawing fide; Die Orchideen lieferung 11/12 633 - 752 Brieger 1981 as Kinetochilus cleistogamus; Orchid Species Culture Dendrobium Bakers 1996;
