Dendrobium stricticalcarum W.Suarez & Cootes 2008SECTION Pedilonum Photo by © Jim Cootes and The Phyto Images Website

Common Name The Straight Mentum Dendrobium

Flower Size .2" [5 mm] wide

Found in the Philippines at elevations of 500 to 1000 meters as a medium sized, warm growing epiphyte with erect, basally slender, gradually becoming clavate above, many noded, not branching stems leafy in the upper 1/3 and carrying narrowly to broadly lanceolate, not leathery, glossy leaves that blooms in the winter on a usually near the apex, to [1.4 cm] long, 3 to 12 flowered inflorescence arising on leafless canes


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Philippine Native Orchid Species Cootes 2009 photo fide; A Guide to the Dendrobium of the Philippines Cootes and Tiong 2015 photo fide;
