Encyclia linearifolioides (Kraenzl.) Hoehne 1938

Another Flower

Photos by © Jay Pfahl

Flower Closeup

Photo by © José Luis Panozo Añez

Disected Flower Photo by © E Schnurr


Common Name The Linear Leaved Encyclia

Flower Size to 1.2" [to 3 cm]

Found in Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, ?Argentina, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela as a small sized, hot to cool growing epiphyte and lithophyte at elevations around 400 to 1500 meters with new onion-shaped pseudobulbs enveloped completely by pale grey, scarious sheaths and the older ones dark brown, shriveled, furrowed and shiny and are generally leafless. The new pseudobulb carries 2, apical, linear, acute, gradually narrowing below into the conduplicate base leaves that blooms in the spring, summer and fall on a terminal, erect, 6" to 16" [15 to 45 cm], dark brown, rough, several to 20 flowered, racemose to shortly paniculate inflorescence arising on a matured pseudobulb.

Said to be a synonym of Encyclia flava but I will leave it separate at this time. Kew has relegated Encyclia/Epidendrum amicta to an unplaced species as Rchbf described something else, so Encyclia linearfoliodes becomes the species. All photos and references to Encyclia amicta are now referable to this species.

Synonyms Encyclia amicta (L. Linden & Rchb. f.) Schltr. 1919; *Epidendrum amictum L. Linden & Rchb. f. 1855; Epidendrum linearifolioides Kraenzl.1911

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;

Bonplandia Rchb.f 1855 as Epidendrum amictum not;

Bonplandia Rchb.f 1856 as Epidendrum amictum not;

Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 6: 74 Schlechter 1919 as Encyclia amicctanot;

Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 7: 253 Schlechter 1920 as Encyclia amicta;

Venezuelan Orchids Illustrated Vol 1 Dunsterville & Garay 1959 as Epidendrum amictum drawing not = E leucantha;

AOS Bulletin Vol 33 #8 1964 as Epidendrum amictum;

AOS Bulletin Vol 36 # 9 1967 as Epidendrum amictum;

Orchidaceae Brasilenses Pabst & Dungs 1975 as Encyclia amicta drawing fide;

Orchidaceae Brasilenses Band 2 Pabst & Dungs 1977 as E linearfolioides drawing good;

Orchid Digest Vol 55 No 2 1991 as E linearfolioides photo fide;

Orchid Digest Vol 56 no 4 1992 as E linearfolioides photo fide;

Orchids of Brazil McQueen 1993 as Encyclia amicta photo hmm;

Cattleyas and Their Relatives Vol VI Withner 2000 as Encyclia amictaphoto fide;

Orchids of The Brazilian Central Plateau Menezes 2004 as E linearfolioides photo fide;

Las Orquideas del Peru Izerskyy & Bezverhov 2011 as Encyclia amicta photo fide;

