Hexalectris grandiflora (A.Rich. & Galeotti) L.O.Williams 1944 Photo by © Carlos Velazco Macias and his Naturaleza del Nuevo Leon WebPage
Drawing of Morelos Mexico plant
photo/Drawing by © ORQUÍDEA (MÉX.) VOLUMEN 16 NÚMERO ÚNICO enero 2002 The Herbario AMO Website
Common Name The Large Flowered Hexalectris
Flower Size 1.2 to 1.4" [3 to 3.5 cm]
Found in west Texas, Chihuahua, Jalisco, Michoacan, Puebla, Oaxaca, Guererro, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Coahuila and Tamaulipas states of Mexico on hillsides, meadows, open woodlands and pastures often in rich soils of oak and pine-oak forests at elevations of 1000 to 2500 meters as a medium sized, cool to cold growing mycoheterotrophic terrestrial with succulent, reddish to brownish purple stems carrying 5 widely spaced bracts that blooms in the late spring through late summer on a racemose, to 8" [20 cm] long, few to 15 flowered inflorescence with ovate floral bracts.
Synonyms *Corallorhiza grandiflora A.Rich. & Galeotti 1845; Hexalectris grandiflora f. luteoalba P.M.Br. 2006; Hexalectris mexicana Greenm. 1903; Neottia grandiflora (A.Rich. & Galeotti) Kuntze 1891
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; AOS Bulletin Vol 44 #5 1975 photo fide; Flora Novo-Galaciana Vol 16 Orchidaceae Mc Vaugh 1985; Orquideas del Estado de Morelos ORQUÍDEA (MÉX.) VOLUMEN 16 NÚMERO ÚNICO enero 2002 drawing good/photo good; AOS Bulletin Vol 73 No 12 2004 photo fide; The Orchids of Mexico Hagsater, Soto, Salazar,Jimenez, Lopex and Dressler 2005 photo fide;