Laelia lundii (Rchb.f. & Warm.) Rchb.f. & Warm. 1881 SUBGENUS Microlaelia [Schlechter] Withner 1990
Photo by Jay Pfahl
TYPE Drawing of L reichenbachiana
TYPE Drawing of L reichenbachiana by H Wendl. & Kraenzl.
Photo by Egon Krogsgaard
Laelia lundii Rchb. f. 1881 var alba
Photo by Mauro Rosim of Brazil.
Common Name Lund's Laelia [Danish Plant Collector in Brazil 1800's]
Flower Size 1.5" [3 to 4 cm]
Found in Brazil and Bolivia at elevations of 740 to 1000 meters in thickets among the coastal mountains or tucumano-boliviano forests as a miniature sized, warm growing epiphytic or lithophytic species with 2 leaves with short, robust, oblong-fusiform, slightly compressed pseudobulbs carrying 2, apical, small, erect to spreading, fleshy, semi-cylindrical, linear, very acute, slightly arcuate, deeply channeled above leaves that flowers in the mid-winter and spring on a short, ascending raceme arising from a new growth with minute bracts and carrying 2 floral scented flowers held among the leaves.
A strange sidenote, this is the only Brazilian Laelia with more than one leaf.
Synonyms Bletia lundii Rchb. f. & Warm. 1881; Cattleya lundii (Rchb.f. & Warm.) Van den Berg 2008; Cattleya lundii f. alba (L.C.Menezes) Van den Berg 2008; Laelia lundii f. alba (L.C.Menezes) M.Wolff & O.Gruss 2007; Laelia lundii var. alba L.C.Menezes 1998; Laelia regnelii Barb. Rod. 1882; Laelia reichenbachiana Wendl. 1892 & Kraenzl.; Microlaelia lundii (Rchb.f. & Warm.) Chiron & V.P.Castro 2002; Sophronitis lundii (Rchb. f. & Warm.) C. Berg & M.W. Chase 2000; Sophronitis lundii f. alba (L.C.Menezes) Van den Berg & M.W.Chase 2004
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
* Otia Botanica Hamburgensia 62 Rchb.f 1881;
Otia Botanica Hamburgensia 62 Rchb.f 1881 as Bletia lundii;
Gen. Spec. Orchid. 2: 154 Barb Rodr. 1882 as L regnellii;
Xenia Orchid. 3: 97 H Wendl. & Kraenzl.1892 as L reichenbachiana
Xenia Orchid. 3: pl254 H Wendl. & Kraenzl.1892 as L reichenbachiana drawing fide;
Iconografia de Orchidaceae Do Brasil Hoehne 1949 drawing fide;
AOS Bulletin Vol 27 No 11 1958 photo fide;
Orchidaceae Brasilienses Pabst & Dungs Band I 1975 drawing fide;
Die Orchideen 3 Auflage Bd 1 Sonderabdruck aus Schlechter Lieferung 10 576 - 632 Brieger, Maatsch and Senghas 1977;
Cattleya and Their Relatives Vol 2 Withner 1990 photo fide;
Orchids Travel By Air A Pictoral Safari Mulder, Mulder-Roelfsema and Schuiteman 1990 photo fide;
The Manual Of Cultivated Orchid Species Bechtel, Cribb & Launert 1992 photo fide;
Bol. CAOB 33: 68 Menenzes 1998 as L luindii var alba;
Lindleyana Vol 15 No 2 2000 as Sophronitis lundii;
Richardiana 2: 11 V P Castro & Chiron 2002 as Microlaelia lundii;
Orquidologia Sul-Amer.: 103 F.Barros & J.A.N.Bat. 2004 as Microlaelia lundii f alba;
Kew Bull. 59: 566 Van den Berg & M.W.Chase 2004 as Sophronitis lundii f alba;
Orchids of Bolivia Vol 2 Laelinae Vasquez and Ibisch 2004 drawing/photo fide;
Orchids of The Brazilian Central Plateau Menezes 2004 photo fide;
Orchids of The Brazilian Central Plateau Menezes 2004 as L lundii var alba photo fide
100 Orquideas Argentinas Freuler 2005 photo fide; Orchid. Atlas: 182 M Wollff & O Gruss 2007 as L lundii f alba;
Neodiversity 3:6 Van den berg 2008 as Cattleya lundii;
Neodiversity 3:9 Van den berg 2008 as Cattleya lundii f alba
Mille et Une Mini Orchideees Roguenant 2009 as Sophronitis lundii photo fide;
Orchid Digest Vol 80 #2 2016 as Cattleya lundii;