Lepanthes edentula Luer 1995 SUBGENUS Lepanthes SECTION Lepanthes SUBSECTION Lepanthes SERIES Lepanthes

Side View of Flower

Leaf and Flower

Photos by © Jimemez, Used under permission of Epidendra Website CR

TYPE Drawing

TYPE Drawing by © Carl Luer

Common Name The Toothless Lepanthes [refers to the smooth margins of the sepals in comparrison to the similar L acostae]

Flower Size .1" [2.5 cm]

Found in Costa Rica and Panama at elevations around 100 meters as a mini-miniature sized, hot growing epiphtye with erect, slender ramicauls enveloped completely by 4 to 7, closely adpressed, minutely ciliate lepanthiform sheaths with oblique, slightly dilated ostia and carrying a single, apical, erect, elliptical-ovate, acute, cuneate into the petiolate base leaf that blooms on a congested, slender, disitchous, .33" [to 8 mm] long, successively many flowered inflorescence holding the flower on the front or back of the leaf.

"Closely allied to L acostae and is found in the ame area so could be considered a variation but it differs in the abscence of the prominent, marginal denticulation that characteizes L acostae. Although similar in habit L edentula is smaller and the inflorescnce is considerably shorter. being always shorter than the leaf." Luer 1995


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Lankester's Epidendra Website CR CHECKED Type OK; * Lindleyana 10: 143 Luer 1995 drawing fide; Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica Vol 3 Hammel, Grayum, Herrera and Zamora 2003; Vanishing Beauty; Native Costa Rican Orchids Vol 2 Lacaena to Pteroglossa Pupulin 2020 photo fide;
