!Tolumnia pulchella [Hook.] Raf. 1836
Photos by © Jay Pfahl.
Photos by © Lourens Grobler.
Photo by Tony Watkinson and the Species Orchid Society of Western Australia
Common Name The Beautiful Tolumnia
Flower Size about 1" [to about 2.2 to 3 cm]
Found in Jamaica and Cuba on small trees in humid forests in bright light and high air movement at elevations of 300 to 1000 meters as a miniature, fan shaped, warm to cool growing epiphyte with very short, erect stems enveloped by imbricate, disitichous, fleshy to coriaceous, bilaterally flattened, channeled on the upper side, lanceolate, falcate, acute leaves that has a wiry, erect to arcuate, to 20" [50 cm] long, paniculate, terete inflorescence that has lanceolate, acuminate bracts with many [20], showy flowers occuring in the spring and summer. This species needs to be mounted on small pieces of cork in bright light, with warm to cool temperatures, high humidity, good air circulation and a complete drying out between waterings
Synonyms Oncidium concavum Moir 1968; Oncidium × hartii Moir 1968; Oncidium × jamaicense Moir & A.D.Hawkes 1967; *Oncidium pulchellum Hook 1827; Oncidium pulchellum f. concavum (Moir) Withner 1980; Oncidium pulchellum f. hartii (Moir) Withner 1980; Oncidium pulchellum f. jamaicense (Moir & A.D.Hawkes) Withner 1980; Oncidium pulchellum subsp. concavum (Moir) Braem 1983; Oncidium × sanctae-anae Moir & A.D.Hawkes 1967; Oncidium × withneranum Moir 1967; Tolumnia concava ( Moir ) Braem 1986;
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
Symbolae Antillanae Vol VI Orchidaceae Urban 1909 as Oncidium pulchellum; Flora of Jamaica Fawcett & Rendle 1910 as Oncidium pulchellum drawing fide; Die Orchideen Schlechter 1915 as Oncidium pulchellum; Das Pflanzanreich Regni Vegetabilis Conspectus Odontoglossum/Oncidium Kranzlin 1922 as Oncidium pulchellum; AOS Bulletin Vol 29 No 11 1960 as Oncidum pulchellum; Encyclopedia of Cultivated Orchids Hawkes 1965 as Oncidium pulchellum; AOS Bulletin Vol 37 No 1 1968 as Oncidium pulchellum drawing/photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 39 No 6 1970 as Oncidium pulchellum photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 39 No 4 1970 photo as Oncidium concavum photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 39 No 4 1970 photo as Oncidium hartii photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 39 No 4 1970 photo as Oncidium pulchellum photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 39 No 4 1970 photo as Oncidium jamaicense photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 39 No 4 1970 photo as Oncidium withneri photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 39 No 4 1970 photo as Oncidium sanctae-anae photo fide; Flora de Venezuela Volumen XV Part 5 Foldats 1970 as Oncidium pulchelum; AOS Bulletin Vol 48 No 9 1979 as Oncidium pulchellum photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 48 No 11 1979 as Oncidium pulchellum photo fide; Orchid Digest Vol 44 No 3 1980 photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 51 No 2 1982 as Oncidium pulchellum photo fide; Schlechteriana Vol 2 No 3 1991 photo fide; The Manual Of Cultivated Orchid Species Bechtel, Cribb & Launert 1992 drawing fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 64 No 2 1995 photo fide; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1C lieferung 33 - 36 2057 - 2308 Brieger 1997 drawing fide; Orchidaceae Antillaneae Nir 2000; AOS Bulletin Vol 74 No 3 2005 photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 75 #10 2006 as Oncidium pulchellum drawing fide; Orchid Species Culture: Oncidium, Bakers 2006; Orchid Digest Vol 71 No 1 2007; AOS Bulletin Vol 80 #8 2011 photo fide;