Basiphyllaea sarcophylla (Rchb.f.) Schltr. 1921

Drawing by © Mark Nir

Common Name The Fleshy Red Leaved Basiphyllaea

Flower Size

Found in Cuba and the Isla del Pinos at elevations below 600 meters as a small sized, hot to warm growing rhizomatous epiphyte with a repent rhizome with fleshy fusiform internodes, enveloped by membraneous sheaths with a fleshy corm giivng rise to a single, patent, flat, fleshy, rigid, broadly ovate-cordate, apiculate leaf that blooms on a terminal, erect, ensheathed by the leaf, to 12" [30 cm] long, basall carrying a few, short, amplexicaul, acute sheaths, laxly few flowered inflorescence with submembraneous, ovate-triangular, acute, half as long as the ovary floral bracts

Synonyms Bletia platyphylla Rchb.f. ex Griseb. 1866; *Bletia sarcophylla Rchb.f. 1865; Tetramicra platyphylla Griseb. 1866; Tetramicra sarcophylla (Rchb.f.) Cogn. 1910

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchidaceae Antillanae Nir 2000 drawing fide;

