Bifrenaria diamantinensis Capacci & Rosim 2020

Plant and Flower

TYPE Drawing

Photos by Marcos Campacci

Fragrance Full shade Warm Spring

Common Name The Chapada Diamantina Pleurothallis

Flower Size 2" [5 cm]

Found in Bahia state of Brazil in the Chapada Diamantina on rocky outcrops at elevations around 920 meters as a small sized, sub-caespitose, warm growing epiphyte with a short rhizome giving rise to dark green to off yellow, blackened to wards the apex, oval-tetragonal, smooth becoming wrinkled with age pseuydobulbs enveloped by subcoriaceous, evenescent sheaths carrying a single, apical, dark green, leathery, elliptic, acute, plicate, elevated ridges beneath, acute, variable in size, gradually narrowing below into the pseudopetiolate base leaves that blooms in the spring on a basal, erect, slightly longer than the pseudobulbs, partially enveloped by a subcoriaceous, evanescent sheath, simultaneously 1 to 2 flowered inflorescence with a short, acuminate floral bract and carrying fragrant flowers.

Similar to Bifrenaria harrisoniae but it does not have a densely hairy column, has a shorter lip and a shorter column foot. B diamantinensis has a densely hairy column, a longer lip and a longer column foot and spur.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Coletanea de Orquideas Brasileiras Novas Especies Vol 16 Campacci & Silva 2020 photo/drawing fide
