Coryanthes parkeri (Hook.)? G.C. Kenn. 1978 SUBGENUS Coryanthes


Unopened Bud Photos by © David Jubineau and His Bulbophyllum Pages

Fragrance Part shade

Common Name Parker's Coryanthes [English Collector in South America 1800's]

Found in Guyana

Considered to be a synonym of C maculata, which in turn is considered by some to be a synonym of C speciosa but there are differences so I have left it separate until further study can be done.

Synonyms *Coryanthes maculata var. parkeri Hook. 1839

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Flora Brasilica Vol XII VI Hoehne 1942 as Stanhopea maculata var parkeri;
