Hemipilia hui [Tang & F.T.Wang] in ed.

Hemipilia sect. Hemipilia

Drawing by © Zhang Taili


Common Name Hui's Hemipilia - In China Hua Xi Xiao Hong Men Lan

Flower Size

Found in southeastern Gansu, Henan, Shaanxi, northwestern Sichuan and Yunnan provinces of China in forests and alpine grasslands at elevations of 1400 to 4000 meters as a mini-miniature to small sized, cold growing terrestrial with oblong to ovoid tubers giving rise to an erect stem provided with 1 to 3, basal tubular sheaths and carrying a single, basal, abaxially purplish green, adaxially deep green, often marked with purple spots, cordate, ovate to elliptic, glabrous, acuminate to acute, leaf that blooms in the later spring on a terminal, erect to slightly curved, peduncle .8 to 6.8" [2 to 17 cm] long, glabrous, rachis to 2.8" [7 cm] long, laxly 2 to 14 flowered inflorescence with lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, shorter than the ovary floral bract. .

Synonyms Chusua hui (Tang & F.T.Wang) P.F.Hunt 1971; Chusua limprichtii (Schltr.) P.F.Hunt 1971; Hemipilia occidensichuanensis Y. Tang & H. Peng 2015; *Orchis hui Tang & F.T.Wang 1936; Orchis limprichtii Schltr. 1922; Ponerorchis limprichtii (Schltr.) Soó 1966

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Flora of China Vol 25 Orchidaceae Zhengyi, Raven and Duyuan 2009 as Ponerorchis limprichtii; Flora of China Illustrations Vol 25 Orchidaceae Zhengyi, Raven and Duyuan 2010 as Ponerorchis limprichtii drawing fide; Phylogeny and classification of the East Asian Amitostigma alliance (Orchidaceae: Orchideae) based on six DNA markers Ying Tang, Tomohisa Yukawa, Richard M Bateman, Hong Jiang & Hua Peng 2015 Photo fide
