Hemipilia luteola (K.Y.Lang & S.C.Chen) Y.Tang & H.Peng 2015

Photo by Jin Xiaohua

Common Name The Yellow Hemipilia

Flower Size .112" [2.8 mm]

Found in northwestern Yunnan province of China on humid grassy slopes at elevations around 3000 meters as a miniature to small sized, cold growing terresrial with a subglobose tuber giving rise to an erect, to ascending stem enveloped by1 to2 basal, tubular sheaths and carrying a single, subbasal, erect-spreading, linear to linear-lanceolate, acuminate leaves that blooms in the early fall on an erect, peduncle provided with 1 small sterile bract above the middle, rachis 1.6 to 2.4" [4 to 6 cm] long, densely 9 to 13 flowered inflorescence with lanceolate, acuminate, basal ones longer than the flowers floral bracts and carrying not secund, pale to greenish yellow flowers

Synonyms Neottianthe luteola K.Y.Lang & S.C.Chen 1996; Ponerorchis luteola (K.Y.Lang & S.C.Chen) X.H.Jin, Schuit. & W.T.Jin 2014

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Flora of China Vol 25 Orchidaceae Zhengyi, Raven & Deyuan 2009 as Neottianthe luteola; Flora of China Vol 25 Orchidaceae Illustrations Zhengyi, Raven & Deyuan 2010 as Neottianthe luteola drawing fide; Phylogeny and classification of the East Asian Amitostigma alliance (Orchidaceae: Orchideae) based on six DNA markers Ying Tang, Tomohisa Yukawa, Richard M Bateman, Hong Jiang & Hua Peng 2015; Atlas of Native Orchids of China Vol 1 Jin Xiaohua, Li Jianwu and Ye Deping 2019 as Ponerorchis luteola photo fide
