SECTION Lobulatum Dalstrom 2020

"Pseudobulbs generally but not always with 2 apical leaves, yellowish to light green and without any purple or brown spots or mottling. Flowers generally resupinate with white to yellowish sepals and petals generally spotted or striped in brown, lip rigidly attached to the ventral side of the column by a longitudinal fleshy ridge, generally without erect lateral lobes, the column has the lower part in the same horizontal plane as the ovary, basally straight and apically slightly curved upwards and away from the lip, with distinctly projecting, more or less obtuse to rounded, fleshy, commonly but not always yellow colored ventral column lobes, generally but not always with a serrate hood and an undivided margin." Dalstrom, Higgins & Deburghgraeve 2020

SECTION Lobulatum SERIES Tenuifolium

Flowers without a distinct column hood.

  1. Odontoglossum tenuifolium Dalström 1996 Peru and Bolivia

SECTION Lobulatum SERIES Povedanum

Flowers with a distinct column hood

  1. Odontoglossum povedanum P. Ortiz 1997 Colombia

SECTION Lobulatum SERIES Astranthumm

Section nominal Type species = ! = Odontoglossum astranthum Linden & Rchb. f. 1867

  1. Odontoglossum ariasii Dalström 2001 Peru

  2. Odontoglossum astranthum Linden & Rchb. f. 1867 Ecuador and Peru

  3. Odontoglossum aurarium (Rchb.f.) Garay 1970 Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia

  4. Odontoglossum crassidactylum Dalström & Ruíz Pérez 2013 Peru

  5. Odontoglossum dracoceps Dalström 1999 Peru and Bolivia

  6. Odontoglossum micklowii Dalström 1993 Peru and Bolivia

  7. Odontoglossum multistellare Rchb. f. 1876 Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; The Odontoglossum Story Dalstrom, Higgins & Deburghgraeve 2020
