Octomeria romerorum Carnevali & I.Ramírez 1990 TYPE Drawing by © Carnevali & I.Ramírez and The Biodiversity Heritage Library Website

Deep shadeHot Summer

Common Name The Romero's Octomeria [Venezuelan Orchid Botanist and his wife original collectors of the species current]

Flower Size .28" [7 mm]

Found in Amazonas Venezuela in dense forests on high branches at elevations around 100 meters as a mini-miniature sized, hot growing, diminutive, creeping, clump-forming epiphyte with a rhizome giving rise to obconic to subcylindric, suberect to horizontal, shorter than the leaves, thick towards the apex ramicauls carrying a single, fleshy, coriaceous, thick, adpresssed to the substrate, green, elliptic to widely elliptic, obtuse to rounded, abaxially flat to somewhat convex, sulcate midrib leaf that blooms in the summer on an erect, peduncle [1.5 to 2.8 mm] long, subterete, single flowered inflorescence with rudimentary floral bracts and carrying largfe for the plant, white-hyalinous, wide opening flowers.

"Characterized by the minute creeing habit and is similar to O pygmaea but differs in the thick rhizomes bearing ramicaul less than .04" [1 mm] long, with tiny thick, elliptical leaves about .02" [5 mm] long and carrying a single flower arising at the base of the leaf. The sepals and petals are ovate and free. The ovoid lip is concave between broadly rounded marginal lobes." Luer 2010


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;Icones * Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 77: 551 Carnevali & I.Ramírez 1990 ; Pleurothallidinarum Vol XXXI Luer 2010 drawing fide;

