Pleurothallis acinaciformis Wilson & Larsen 2019 SUBGENUS Ancipitia SECTION Ancipitia Luer 1986

LCDP Photo

TYPE photo/LCDP photo by © Mark Wilson and A beautiful new species of Pleurothallis (Orchidaceae, Pleurothallidinae) in the P. crocodiliceps complex from Colombia (

Common Name or Meaning The Scimitar Shaped Pleurothallis [refers to the unusual petals that are curved downwards]

Flower Size .4" [1 cm]

Found in Colombia without locational data as a medium sized, warm to cool growing, shortly repent to loosely caespitose epiphyte with erect, laterally compressed, ancipitous ramicauls enveloped by a tubular sheath at the the middle and a another papery thin one at the base and carrying a single, apical, suberect, coriaceous, ovate, acute, sessile sides decurrent on the ramicaul leaf that blooms in the late spring on a fascile of .6" [1.5 cm] long, arising through a reclining spathe, filiform, erect, successsively single flowered inflorescence.

"This species is most similar to Pleurothallis crocodiliceps from which it can be easily distinguished by the shape of the apex of the central lobe of the lip (triangular in P. acinaciformis vs. somewhat rounded in P. crocodiliceps); length and distribution of hairs on the lip (short, covering the anterior margins of the central and lateral lobes in P. acinaciformis vs. long, covering only the anterior margin of the basal half of the lateral lobes); petal shape (acinaciform in P. acinaciformis vs. linear-lanceolate in P. crocodiliceps); number of veins in the sepals (5 in the dorsal and 5–7 in the synsepal of P. acinaciformis vs. 3 in the dorsal and 4 in the synsepal of P. crocodiliceps); and the form of the dorsal sepal (oblong, round apex, curved, concave/cucullate in P. acinaciformis vs. ovate-triangular, subacute, straight, slightly curved, slightly concave in P. crocodiliceps)." Wilson & Larsen 2019


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;

* A beautiful new species of Pleurothallis (Orchidaceae, Pleurothallidinae) in the P. crocodiliceps complex from Colombia (
