Habenaria obtusa Lindl. 1835 SECTION Seticauda
Photo by © WerkHoven
Photo by © J. A. N. Batista
Photos by © J. A. N. Batista; F. da Silva; Luciano de Bem Bianchetti and the Orquideas de Minas Gerais; El Genero Habenaria
Drawing by © Dunsterville
Original Drawing by © Padre Pedro Ortiz Conserved at the Herbario de la Universidad Javeriana, Bogota Colombia
Common Name The Blunt Habenaria
Flower Size .8" [2 cm]
Found in Surinam, Fr Guiana, Guyana, Venezuela, Antioquia, Norte de Santander, Santander and Valle de Cauca departments of Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay in savannahs and burned areas in forests at elevations around 100 to 3200 meters as a small to large sized, hot to cold growing epiphyte with an erect stem carrying clear green, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute to the lower ones obtuse, amlexicaul, acuminate, acute, narrowing into the tubular base leaves that blooms in the late summer and early fall on an erect, 4 to 10" [10 to 25 cm] long, racemose, many [10 to 18] flowered inflorescence with large, oval-lanceolate, longer than the flowers floral bracts.
Similar to H seticauda but differ in the spur length which is 2.2 [5.5 cm] in H obtusa and 3.2 to 4.4" [8 to 11 cm] long in H sticauda. Both taxa are similar to H hamata but differ in the arrangment of the flowers which is close and parallel to the inflorescence axis versus spreading in H hamata and the imbricate bracts that usually cover the rachis and the spur." Szlachetko & Kolanowska 2017
Synonyms Habenaria liguliglossa Hoehne 1915; Habenaria lindenii Lindl. ex Rchb.f. 1859; Habenaria megaceras Barb.Rodr. 1877; Habenaria ornithoides Barb.Rodr. 1877; Habenella liguliglossa (Hoehne) Szlach. & Kras-Lap. 2006; Habenella obtusa (Lindl.) Szlach. & Kras-Lap. 2006; Habenella ornithoides (Barb.Rodr.) Szlach. & Kras-Lap. 2006; Platantheroides liguliglossa (Hoehne) Szlach. 2004; Platantheroides obtusa (Lindl.) Szlach. 2004; Platantheroides ornithoides (Barb.Rodr.) Szlach. 2004
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
* Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 315 Lindley 1835
Bonplandia Rchb.f 1853/4;
Kruidk. Arch. 4: 319 Lindl. ex Rchb.f 1859 as Habenaria lindenii
Gen. Spec. Orchid. 1: 161 Barb Rodr 1877 as Habenaria megaceras
Gen. Spec. Orchid. 1: 162 Barb Rodr 1877 as H ornithoides
Relat. Commiss. Linhas Telegr. Estratég. Matto Grosso Amazonas 5(5): 35 Hoehne 1915 as Habenaria liguliglossa
Beitrage Zur Orchideenkunde Von Colombia 27:150 Schlechter 1924 as H lindeni;
Flora Brasilica Vol XII I Hoehne 1940 drawing fide;
Flora Brasilica Vol XII I Hoehne 1940 as H liguliglossa drawing ok;
Flora Brasilica Vol XII I Hoehne 1940 as H ornithoides drawing ok;
Orchids of Peru Vol 1 Schweinfurth 1958;
Venezuelan Orchids Illustrated Vol 1 Dunsterville & Garay 1959 drawing fide;
AOS Bulletin Vol 38 No 6 1969;
Flora de Venezuela Volumen XV Parte 1 Foldats 1969 drawing fide;
Orchidaceae Brasilenses Band 1 Pabst and Dungs 1975 as H liguliglossa drawing good;
Orchidaceae Brasilenses Band 1 Pabst and Dungs 1975 drawing not see band 2; Orchidaceae Brasilenses Band 1 Pabst and Dungs 1975 as H ornithoides drawing ok;
Orchidaceae Brasilenses Band 2 Pabst & Dungs 1977 drawing fide;
Orchids of Venezuela, An Illustrated Field Guide Vol 2 Dunsterville & Garay 1979 drawing fide;
The Orchids of Surinam Werkhoven 1986 photo not= ?;
Orchids from The Coast Of Ecuador Arosemana, Jurado, Estrada and Konanz 1988;
Inventaire Taxonomique des Plantas de la Guyane Francaise II Les Orquidacees Cremers & Hoff 1992;
Orchids of Venezuela [An illustrated field guide] Vol. 2 Ramiro and Carnevali 2000 drawing fide;
Orquideas Nativas del Tachira Cesar Fernandez 2003 photo ok;
Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana Vol 7 Steyermark, Berry, Yatskievych and Holst 2003;
Richardiana 4: 107 Szlach 2004 as Platantheroides obtusa
Richardiana 4: 107 Szlach 2004 as Platantheroides liguliglossa
Richardiana 4: 107 Szlach 2004 as Platantheroides ornithoides;
Richardiana 6: 37 Szlach. & Kras-Lap. 2006 as Habenella obtusa;
Richardiana 6: 37 Szlach. & Kras-Lap. 2006 as Habenella liguliglossa
Richardiana 6: 38 Szlach. & Kras-Lap. 2006 as Habenella ornithoides;
Orquideologia Vol 28 #1 2011 photo fide;
Orchids of French Guiana Szlachetko, Veyret, Mytnik-ejsmont, Sawicka, Rutkowski and Baranov 2012 as Habenella obtusa drawing fide;
Orquideas Tesoro de Colombia Vol 2 Ortiz & Uribe 2017 drawing ok/photo hmm;
Materials to the Orchid Flora of Colombia Vol 1:96 Szlachetko & Kolanowska 2017 as Habenella obtusa drawing/photo fide;