SECTION Phalaenanthe Schlechter 1912

TYPE: = Dendrobium bigibbum Lindley 1852

Synonyms Section Ceratobium Subsection Platypetala Kraenzl 1910; Section Dendrocoryne Subsection Bigibba Pfitz 1889; Vappodes M A Clem & D L Jones 2002;

Characterized by the short to long or compact stems carrying leaves towards the apex that blooms on long, arching inflorescence carrying large, showy, wide opening, long lasting, purple, pink or white flowers with petals and sepals that are larger than the lip. The mentum usually has 2 chins.

  1. !Dendrobium affine [Decais.] Steudel 1840 New Guinea, and the islands of Timor, Seram and Tanimbar

  2. Dendrobium bigibbum Lndley 1852 TYPE for the Section Queensland Australia and Papua and New Guinea [?]

  3. Dendrobium dicuphum F.Muell. 1874 northern Western Australia to northen Northern Territory including Melville Island Australia

  4. Dendrobium lithocola D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. 1989 Cape York Australia

  5. Dendrobium striaenopsis M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones 1989 island of Laret in the Tanimbar Group

  6. Dendrobium X superbiens Rchb.f. 1876 Queensland Australia

  7. Dendrobium williamsianum Rchb. f. 1878Papua and New Guinea
